University of Coimbra 5 stars on world university ranking

University of Coimbra 5 stars on world university ranking The University of Coimbra (UC) has just obtained maximum scores - 5 stars - at the new QS Stars University Ratings ranking, an initiative of the QS Intelligence Unit, responsible, among others, by the QS World University Rankings. UC is therefore the first Portuguese university to integrate this ranking, surpassing with honors about eight months of rigorous external audits.
The results now published attribute to the UC 5 stars in the areas of research, innovation, internationalization, accessibility and facilities. With an overall rating of 4 stars, UC was just a few points from reaching the highest level. However, according to QS Stars, "A university with 4 stars is highly international, demonstrating excellence in both research and teaching. It denotes an institution that promotes an excellent environment for both students and for teachers. "
QS Stars is a system of classification of higher education institutions to complement more traditional university rankings. In this system, institutions are ranked based on the evaluation of broader criteria, after auditing more than 80 indicators in the following areas: Teaching, Employability, Research; Internationalization; Facilities; Online/ remote learning, Discipline Ranking; Accreditation; Culture, Innovation , Engagement and Access.
For the Vice-Chancellor responsible for research, Amilcar Falcão, "The UC is proud of the results obtained in the QS Stars, not only for the classification achieved, but also because now we are stronger and more prepared to face the future. To know ourselves better is the first step for us to improve our performance. We are now more organized and aware of our strengths and our weaknesses. It is clearer to us that we have ways to go to reach more demanding levels."
The results now published reinforce the good performance of the UC in different international university rankings. To note that the University of Coimbra was considered in 2012 by QS as the best institution of higher education in Portugal.
2013-06-26 16:14:38
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