Agro-Food Forum Mozambique

Agro-Food Forum Mozambique Assunção Cristas, the portuguese minister of Agriculture, will participate in the Agro-Food Forum Mozambique, which will take place on 5 and 6 March in Maputo. This initiative is integrated within the Mozambique Portugal Corporate Fortnight, organized by AIP - Fairs, Conferences and Events.

The Forum Agro-Food Mozambique - Investment and Business Opportunities / Products and Technologie Show, which has the support of FIPA, Portugalfoods, Portugalfresh, Innovate Cluster, Agrocluster, Viniportugal and INOVISA and the institutional support and AICEP Mozambique Chamber of Commerce Business Conferederação Portugal and Mozambique, runs 5 and 6 March and also encompasses two days of visits and business meetings between domestic firms of the Mozambique Beira and Maputo.

Located in an area of strong economic expansion and endowed with abundant natural resources, Mozambique is assumed as a gateway to prime the SADC market, a potential market of 250 million consumers, distinguished by its politics stability and strategic position, and by its favorable conditions for investment, especially in key sectors such as Agriculture, Agro-Industry, Technology and Services Industry and Agriculture and food distribution.

Mozambique is now touted as a country with one of the most exciting economies in the world to invest. Prediction point that in 2015 the country will be one of the most dynamic economies in the world.

Global production in the country is expected to grow by 8.6 percent in 2013, according to government projections based on expected positive performance in the areas of Construction, Transport and Communications, Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, Fisheries and Financial. According to forecasts, the construction sector will grow by 5.6 percent, driven by ongoing investments, with emphasis on the rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure.

Among the sectors with greater opportunities for Portuguese companies, the sectors that stand out are agriculture, energy, public works and civil construction, engineering, logistics, training and education, consulting, IT and communication.
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2013-02-08 10:57:46
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