Cycle Start-Up Business Innovative/Luso-Swedes

Cycle Start-Up Business Innovative/Luso-Swedes In an initiative AICEP, in partnership with universities, innovative start-ups and Portuguese and Swedish donors, will take place from the end of this month, the cycle Videoconferences Portugal-Sweden, which focuses on economic diplomacy and entrepreneurship and internationalization of innovative start-up technology-intensive.
The 1st videoconference this cycle, which will take place on January 30, between 09.00 and 11.00, will be held simultaneously in rooms reserved for them in the universities of Porto, Minho, Beira Interior and Instituto Superior Técnico (Hall of Civil Eng ).
The initiative aims to meet potential partners Swedes, such as venture capital and other non-traditional donors, a showcase of start-ups Portuguese holding high-technology.
During each cycle of the conference, the University of Minho, Porto, Beira Interior and the Higher Technical Institute will make the presentation of a start-up, followed by a period of debate.
The II and and III rd Conference will be held in the following months, is expected to show the financial entities Portuguese start-up Swedish success and ultimately a debate between universities on business incubation, the curriculum and promote teaching for globalization .
2013-01-29 22:43:00
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