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Corporate Videos
The mission statement of STCP is to directly or indirectly assure urban public road transport in the Oporto metropolitan area, in a manner that effectively contributes to the mobility of people within its operational area and which offers a credible alternative to private individual transport, based on economic reason. The following are the key points of STCP's mission: 1.Presentation of STCP as a modern passenger transport company, reflected in its relationship with its customers, in the quality of the service it provides, in its image and its organisation. 2. The complete integration into the Transport Systems of the metropolitan area of Oporto, in conjunction with the urban and suburban rail system and the promotion of its regulation. 3.The confirmation of the Company as a promoter of urban public transport, decisively contributing to the inversion of the tendency to use private means of transport. 4.Promotion of the economic operation by the Company, having as its target economic-financial stability and the attaining of competitiveness levels that allow the Company to defend its position in the market of the urban transport of passengers. 5.Professional and social development of the workers, in a work environment that aids motivation, quality and productivity. 6.An open relationship with the shareholders, based on the contracting of the public service, in accordance with the policy objectives of the sector. 7.Promotion of permanent and fruitful dialogue with the main partners of the Company, namely, Oporto Metropolitan Council, the municipalities of the metropolitan area of Oporto, transport operators, the citizens and the administrative supervisor.
Adress Contact
Street:Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 1862 - 13º Telephone:225071000
PostCode:4350-158 Fax:225071150


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