Sojitz Beralt


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Sojitz Beralt
Sojitz Beralt
The story of Mines Panasqueira is long, at the beginning of the end of the nineteenth century. The mines are located in the district of Castelo Branco and are operated by Sojitz Beralt Tin & Wolfram, SA Extracted minerals are wolframite, cassiterite and chalcopyrite, treated to make concentrates of tungsten, tin and copper, respectively. The tungsten is the main product of exploitation of Mines Panasqueira. This mineral has the highest melting point, the lower thermal expansion and a very high density. The tungsten has many applications, including in the electrical industry. Take as an example that the filaments of the lamps in the light, which are tungsten. Currently, the Mines Panasqueira have 355 workers. Its daily production is 3,800 tons of ore. The mining takes place at a depth exceeding 400 meters, between 3.000Km tunnels, and the work is divided into two daily shifts. The following ore resulting from the excavation by a ramp to the surface. Subsequently, it is treated in the wash, where there are three daily shifts.
Sojitz Beralt
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Street:Rua Central Telephone:275659100
PostCode:6225-051 Fax:275659119
City:Aldeia São Francisco Assis - Barroca Grande Website:


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