Pico Wines


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Pico Wines
Pico Wines
The Cooperative Wine Cellar of Pico was built in 1961. The vineyards are cultivated by the sea, in crevices of rocks. This is the only way to reduce the effects of wind and sea. Keeping tabs on a better future for wines Atlantic, held a seminar devoted entirely to this subject. Built to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the winery, the main aim was to reflect on a heritage unique in the wine world. Discover the new scents.
Pico Wines
Adress Contact
Street:Av. Padre Nunes da Rosa, n.º 29 Telephone:292622262
PostCode:9950-302 Madalena, Açores Fax:292623346
City:Island Pico Website:picowines.net


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