Marques Group


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Marques Group
Marques Group
The companies that constitute the Marques group are all located in the island of S. Miguel, in the Azores islands. The group includes such distinct businesses as construction materials, real estate, wholesale, retail and industrial parks. Today, the Marques Group includes the following companies: Marques Britas, Espaço Londres, Urbe Oceanus, Soluções M, Marques SA, Clínica de S. Sebastião, Marques Comércio a Retalho, Marques Comércio por Grosso - Recheio.
Marques Group
Adress Contact
Street:Rua Joaquim Marques, 34 Telephone:296 205 800
PostCode: 9600 Fax:296 636 311
City: Rabo de Peixe, Ribeira Grande Website:


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