Ivo Cutelarias


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Ivo Cutelarias
Ivo Cutelarias
IVO Cutelarias, specializes in the manufacturing of cutlery for professional and personal use. IVO Cutelarias guarantees a top quality product through their rigorous search and selection for the best German steel, by combining authentic and meticulous craftsmanship with the latest technologies and ensuring quality control at every stage of manufacturing. The company's family-like environment provides a positive and productive atmosphere for employees to flourish and allows for their continual success. Their strong emphasis on exporting has allowed for them to have their products in over 68 countries around the world. Their tradition and passion for quality cutlery, accompanied by a strong R&D activity and their ongoing commitment to provide customers with excellent quality products and services put IVO Cutelarias as one of the top global leaders in manufacturing cutlery.
Ivo Cutelarias
Adress Contact
Street:E.N. 360, nº20 Telephone:+351 262 925 34
PostCode:2500-770 Fax:+351 262 925 34
City:Santa Catarina, Caldas da Rainha Website:http://www.ivocutelarias.com/uk/


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