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The IBUS consortium presents a new vision for the road transport sector: an eco-efficient, lightweight, comfortable and integrated concept for interior and exterior of touring coaches. The project demonstrates the acquisition of new technological skills by the consortium, through the development of integrated, functional and technical solutions. The project resulted in a full-scale mock up (inner and outer cross-section) 2.4 m long, to visualize, test and validate solutions for future applications in touring coaches, by using innovative solutions inspired by the aeronautical and automotive areas. With an investment of about 1M?, the IBUS project is funded by the Portuguese National Strategic Framework Programme (QREN) under the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), at ca. 0,48M?. By joining competences from different areas, this initiative was made possible by a consortium of Portuguese companies and R&D institutions: Caetano Components (Salvador Caetano Group), Amorim Cork Composites (CORTICEIRA AMORIM), Couro Azul (Carvalhos Group), SET (Iberomoldes Group) and INEGI (a Research and Technology Organization). The consortium worked with an industrial design company, Almadesign, with a close monitoring support of a potencial integrator with strong experience in the sector ? CaetanoBus the manufacturer of CAETANO coaches. Additionally the consortium was technically supported by MNAC, regarding the project and installation of electronic and lighting systems, and Robbialac regarding the paint and finishing tests and supply. The consortium integrated skills from different areas of technology to build an innovative mock up, using novel materials and advanced manufacturing technology and demonstrating the know-how, technological capabilities and synergies within the group ? collaborative work - applied to the constant evolving Mobility sector. This strategy has allowed participating companies to become players in the global market and increase their exports: from manufacturing and supplying materials and services, to integrating new products and high value solutions to the market.
Adress Contact
Street:Rua Armando Cortez, Ed. Interface, nº1C, R/C D Telephone:214240167
PostCode:2770-718 Fax:214213434
City:Gaeiras Website:www.ibus.com.pt


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